Rejoignez-nous pour des rencontres chaleureuses et conviviales

Rencontres authentiques

Partagez un brunch avec des célibataires chrétiens

Échangez de façon fraternelle, respectueuse

Créez des liens amicaux profonds et durables

Ambiance chaleureuse

Brunchs pour célibataires chrétiens

Moments inoubliables

Brunchs chrétiens "Arômes & Âmes"

Rencontrez dans votre région des célibataires partageant votre foi

Vous partagez un brunch le dimanche à 12h30 avec des célibataires de votre âge à proximité d'un lieu de culte. Une table de 6 personnes vous est réservée, 3 hommes et 3 femmes, pour privilégier la profondeur des échanges et l'expérience gustative.

Des brunchs pour tous

Salé, sucré, chaud, froid... quelles que soient vos préférences, un brunch vous laisse libre de composer votre déjeuner selon vos goûts et votre appétit à un tarif accessible. Nous sélectionnons les restaurants offrant le meilleure rapport qualité/prix.

Rejoignez nos brunchs
Le principe de "Arômes et Âmes"

Pour participer, c'est simple ! Inscrivez-vous en ligne en cliquant ci-dessous sur le brunch de votre choix. Le tarif comprend les frais d'inscription et de réservation. Votre déjeuner est à régler par vos soins directement au restaurant.

Nos prochains brunchs

A brunch setting with a fresh mimosa garnished with a slice of strawberry. In the background, a colorful plate of assorted fruit balls including watermelon, melon, and blueberries. A person is seated at the table, enjoying a meal with a cup of coffee nearby.
A brunch setting with a fresh mimosa garnished with a slice of strawberry. In the background, a colorful plate of assorted fruit balls including watermelon, melon, and blueberries. A person is seated at the table, enjoying a meal with a cup of coffee nearby.
A beautifully arranged outdoor brunch setup on a white table with pancakes topped with fresh raspberries. A pink teapot and a jar filled with raspberries are placed alongside a cup of tea. Flower arrangements with pink and white blossoms enhance the serene setting.
A beautifully arranged outdoor brunch setup on a white table with pancakes topped with fresh raspberries. A pink teapot and a jar filled with raspberries are placed alongside a cup of tea. Flower arrangements with pink and white blossoms enhance the serene setting.
A glass table set with an assortment of brunch items including a plate with waffles topped with chocolate and banana slices, alongside a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Next to it, another plate holds a salad with greens, slices of fruit, and berries. There is a metal tray with two teapots, several glasses, and silverware. Two people are seated at the table, with only their hands visible.
A glass table set with an assortment of brunch items including a plate with waffles topped with chocolate and banana slices, alongside a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Next to it, another plate holds a salad with greens, slices of fruit, and berries. There is a metal tray with two teapots, several glasses, and silverware. Two people are seated at the table, with only their hands visible.
Paris - 8 décembre

Brunch des 30-45 ans

Paris - 8 décembre

Brunch des 40-55 ans

Bordeaux - 8 décembre

Brunch des 25-35 ans

A spread of various breakfast or brunch dishes on a green marble table. There is a plate with a salad consisting of spinach, tomatoes, pine nuts, and a round piece of cheese topped with more nuts. Another dish features a waffle topped with banana slices, blueberries, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. A croissant is also present, stuffed with cream and garnished with berries. Accompanying the meal are drinks, including a glass of orange juice with a yellow straw and a glass of red beverage.
A spread of various breakfast or brunch dishes on a green marble table. There is a plate with a salad consisting of spinach, tomatoes, pine nuts, and a round piece of cheese topped with more nuts. Another dish features a waffle topped with banana slices, blueberries, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. A croissant is also present, stuffed with cream and garnished with berries. Accompanying the meal are drinks, including a glass of orange juice with a yellow straw and a glass of red beverage.
Lyon - 8 décembre

Brunch des 40-55 ans

Two plates of brunch food featuring eggs benedict-style dishes with creamy sauce and garnished with chives, accompanied by a green salad. Drinking glasses and cups are visible on a dark marble table surface, with two people partaking in the meal.
Two plates of brunch food featuring eggs benedict-style dishes with creamy sauce and garnished with chives, accompanied by a green salad. Drinking glasses and cups are visible on a dark marble table surface, with two people partaking in the meal.
A table filled with a variety of brunch dishes, including pancakes with fruit and syrup, a burger with fries, a salad with poached eggs, a cappuccino, and a teapot. The presentation is artistic, with garnishes and sauces carefully arranged.
A table filled with a variety of brunch dishes, including pancakes with fruit and syrup, a burger with fries, a salad with poached eggs, a cappuccino, and a teapot. The presentation is artistic, with garnishes and sauces carefully arranged.

Les règles des brunchs "Arômes & Âmes"

Nous sommes soucieux du climat de bienveillance et de respect entre nos convives.

A l'issue de votre inscription en ligne, vous êtes invité/e à télécharger votre billet confirmant votre inscription. L'adresse du restaurant vous est envoyée par SMS à J-1 afin que vous vous retrouviez sur votre table réservée.

Par égard pour les participants, dès lors que vous êtes inscrit/e à un brunch, vous vous engagez à honorer votre participation. Toute absence non justifiée par mail au minimum 48 heures à l'avance, entrainera l'impossibilité de participer à un nouveau brunch

Ces brunchs sont une belle occasion de rencontrer des célibataires chrétiens dans une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale. J'ai apprécié cet enrichissement mutuel dans la foi !


woman near white flower
woman near white flower
